Thursday, March 30, 2006

Systematic and Outlined Approach For Your Reading And Learning Pleasure

Systematic and Outlined Approach For Your Reading And Learning Pleasure


Many thanks to the readers of this blog for your continued support and encouragement. The purpose of this blog is for encouragement, instruction and growth in the are Practical Christian Living. According to the feedback received this past month people have grown in the faith, seen the Lord work and bless in lives being changed, been renewed in the faith, etc. May God continue to bless this as we continue to stand on Sola Scriptura and the suffuciency of God and His holy scripture.

Here is the updated and systematic outline for anyone that:

a.) desires to read the site in a systematic manner,
b.) is interested in a topic, or
c.) is struggling with some sin or issue in your life.

For those that get the blog in theor email if you seea topic or subjects that you would like sent to you e-mail let me know which ones and I will send them to you e-mail.

Please note that at the top of each blog page there is a search bar and each of you can search the blog for whatever area you desire to read.

(As of 3/30/06 there are over 140 different blogs / areas of study with over 250,000 words)

Added to this site during the month of March include but is not limited to:

“Thinking Deacon”

“My Most Precious Faith” (10 part series I put together for my children)

“What Think Ye Of Mary”

“To Oil Or Not To Oil”

“The Importance Of Church Membership”

“ A Critical Look At The Emerging Church Movement (Catcheized edited seminar by Phil Johnson)

“God’s Word Filtered”

“What To Do With Guilt”

“How Is Your Conscience?”

“The Keys! Who Has Them?”

“Infants In The Celestial City”


As always this blog is not perfect in many ways (typing errors, limited site manipulators, etc.) but we do believe the blog site to be instructive without being in any way debative or argumentative. The best we can do as Christians is to write to instruct God’s people in a positive manner. Please continue to pray that our internet Christian brothers and sisters will feel comfortable reading and learning at this site..Again thanks for your continued support and for those that continue to plug and advertise this blogsite and use it for reference and support.


I. God’s Gift of Grace Applied

1. Grace, Grace, God’s Grace
2. The Covenant of Grace - Hodge
3. The New Birth and Conversion: The True Biblical Salvation
4. God’s Orderly Work of Salvation
5.Foreknowledged Defined
6. Christ The Lord
7. The Providence of God Brings Comfort To Believers
8. Perseverance of the Saints
9. Calvinism
10. Jesus Had The Power To Sin But Did Not Have The Character To Sin
11. A Follow-up Explaination off “Jesus Had The Power To Sin But Did Not Have The Characte To Sin”

12. A Critical Look At the Emerging Church Movement w/ Catechism Editing A Critical Look At the Emerging Church Movement by: Phil Johnson
Catechism Editing By Steve Horne

13. Infants In The Celestial City!
A Critical Look At the Emerging Church Movement Phil Johnson
2006 Shepherds' Conference
Grace Community Church,
Sun Valley, CA

Catechism Editing By Steve Horne

II. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura

1. Sola Scriptura in Doctrine and Practice (Part 1)

2. Sola Scriptura And Orthopraxy (Part 2)

3. Sola Scriptura and Orthopraxy: Establishes "Philosophy of Ministry" (Part 3)

4. Sola Scriptura and Orthopraxy: In Doctrine, Church Polity, Worship, and More (Part 4)

5. Sola Scriptura and Orthopraxy: In Our Worship and Christian Living (Part 5)

III. The Church, Communion and Day Of Worship

1. Identifying the Church
2. The Importance Of Church Membership

3. The Holy Spirit and the Church

4. Leadership and Unity in the Kingdom of God

5. Bible Instruction Must Be Under The Authority of the Church
6. The Keys, Who Has Them?

7. The Baptism Of Our Sinless Saviour

8. Baptismal Exhortation

9. Infant Baptism Does the Bible Teach It

10. The Sins of Rebaptism and Of Leaving One's Baby Unbaptized
11. Confusion, Not God;s Way So IT Can BE Cleared Up – Baptismal Confusion

12. True Communion

13. Glorifying God

14. The Lord’s Wonderful Day

15. Thinking Deacon

16. What Type Of Church Did The Apostles Attend

17. Are We Catholics?
18. What Think Ye Of Mary
19. God’s Word Filtered!

IV. Christian Witnessing

1. Called To Confess Christ In Word And As A Living Letter

2. Listening for Gospel Opportunities

3. Let's Evangelize4. Creationism

V. God’s Guidance and the Tools of Faith

1. Guided … by God?

2. Tools of the Faith

3. Canons - God’s Word Filtered!

4. Favorite Hymns

5. More Favorite Hymns

6. The Bible God’s Word To Us

7. Progressive Sanctification – Growing in Grace, Cooperation With God

VI Practical Christian Living to Glorify God

1. One Anothering

2. What is Nouthetic Counseling – Jay Adams

3. Godliness through Discipline – Jay Adams

4. A Look At Commitment

5. Our Basic Duty – Forgive the Repentant

6. Overcoming Evil – Jay Adams

7. Worry: A Serious Life Issue That Leads To Atheistic and Lazy Process Which Must Be Broken

8. Biblical Principals of Work and the Biblical Work

9. Thoughts on Biblical Sexuality and in Overcoming Sexual Difficulty

10. AA Doctrines Compared with the Scriptures

11. Can We Use Eastern Language In Our Prayer And Devotional Life1

2. Abomination – Often Used And Misunderstood

13. Perseverance Of The Saints

14. From Uselessness To Usefulness

15. From Unpardonable to Pardonable

16. The Need To Forgive God

17. Being Angry for the Purpose Of Problem Resolution

18. Proper Thinking At the Time of A Death and / Or At A Funeral

19. To Oil or Not To Oil

20. What Christians May Do

21. Guidance When You are Just Not Sure What To Do

22. What To Do With Guilt

23. How Is Your Conscience?

24. Resolving Sexual Difficulties In The 21st Century

VIII. My Most Precious Faith (10 Parts) Written for my Children and Place Here To Encourage You As You Disciple Your Children in the Most Holy Faith

1. My Most Prescious Faith - Introduction
2. My Most Precious Faith - Deliverance
3. My Most Precious Faith – Belief of A Christian
4. My Most Precious Faith – Concerning the Sacraments
5. My Most Precious Faith – Living in Grace and Gratitude
6. My Most Precious Faith – Our Duty to God
7. My Most Precious Faith – Our Duty to Men
8. My Most Precious Faith – Prayer Our Duty and Pleasure
9. My Most Precious Faith – The Lord’s Coming Again
10. My Most Precious Faith - Conclusion

IX. Miscellaneous

1. A Request Humble Honored

2. Judy Rogers Music – Giving The Best To Your Children

3. Proverbs Themes:

1. Patience2. Discipline

3. Self Image

4. Wisdom

5. Accountability

6. Honesty

7. Instant Living and Its Down Fall

8. Friendship

9. Family (Father, Mother, Children)

10. The Simple

11 The Tongue

12. Laziness

13. Abomination

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Over The Top Or Under The Floor? You Decide!

Over The Top Or Under the Floor

I fully understand apologetics, it’s biblical call to each of us and therefore the importance of giving an answer. I am concerned about the negativity that is around everywhere amongst Christians, you find it in the Christian online chat community, the blog world and even in many churches Sunday after Sunday! I find it odd that many pastors see Sunday morning and evening worship time not as a time to worship but as a time to “apologize”. Answering for the hope I have is one thing, but to spend so much energy to repeat the same things over and over again seems to me to go far beyond the normal call of duty. I find the monkey to be upon the back of those that are liberal and stray from the faith. I am not cold, I do seek to give forth what I have been taught in the faith so others may know the glories of Christ and His wonderful kingdom. However I am not going to spend a lot of energy upon such things when my brothers and sisters in Christ need and desire encouragement. God will not let the gates of hell destroy the Church.

Now what I guess I am saying is that I believe Christianity is positive, burdens are lifted at Calvary and I have life abundant. Therefore I do believe the focus, for we Christians, should be to learn how to live in the kingdom of Christ, to focus on the joys of the faith and live joy always . Selfishly, that is what I want to see from my pastor, elders and church leaders. And thankfully that has been their focus in instructing me in theology. They have placed it in a framework to affect my life positively for good and the effect of that is that I am able to give an answer and contend for the faith as needed without an extreme focus on the “ills of the day”.

I understand that a parishioner is different from the clergy. The clergy has work to do that the laity is not called to. They are called to protect the sheep and I want to let them do their job. I also know I am to read the word, worship and minister to others. I pray I can carry out what I am learning, and called to do as I am a disciple in the faith. But I pray I never over emphasize, whether by “fighting or exposing” error to a point that my faith becomes a burdon and I forget the abundant life I have in Christ!

I pray this has sparked a though in you today to leave the liberals go therefore and live life in all of its joy, peace and abundance. After all the liberals have been warned – How many times: or more I do think!

Just so you know I am not liberal I am for

Christ Alone
Faith Alone
Grace Alone
Scripture alone
Glory to God Alone
Godly living
Family values
Republicanism (haha)
American Pie
A Wonderful Dance
A good salad

And I am Against:

Against homosexuality in the Church
Against liberalism
Against modernism
Against sin
Against the Devil
Against heretics
Against emergents

In the love and for the advancement of the Kingdom of our dear Savior,


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Resolving Sexual Difficulties In The 21st Century

Resolving Sexual Difficulties In The 21st Century


Since there is much confusion in the realm of sex in our society I thought that it would be good to put together this synopsis to help us understand the subject. It may be that we need a change in our lives or that we may have opportunity to help others to change to God’s ways if the opportunity arises.

I. In the beginning of the Bible we are told that God created humans, male and female. He also established the marital and sexual relationship in both purpose and practice.

1. Marriage is to be between one man and one woman: neither is it lawful for any man to have more than one wife, nor for any woman to have more than one husband, at the same time.

2. Marriage was ordained for the mutual help of husband and wife, for the increase of mankind with a legitimate issue, and of the Church with an holy seed; and for preventing of uncleanness.

3. It is lawful for all sorts of people to marry, who are able with judgment to give their consent. Yet it is the duty of Christians to marry only in the Lord. And therefore such as profess the true reformed religion should not marry with infidels, papists, or other idolaters: neither should such as are godly be unequally yoked, by marrying with such as are notoriously wicked in their life, or maintain damnable heresies.

The marital relationship is a sexual relationship. Therefore there is a need to understand the biblical principals of the sexual relationship. Generally speaking the basic guidelines for governing the relationship is found in 1 Cor. 7 and Prov. 5:18-19.

1Cor 7:1-5 - "Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. But, because of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband. Let the husband render unto the wife her due: and likewise also the wife unto the husband. The wife hath not power over her own body, but the husband: and likewise also the husband hath not power over his own body, but the wife. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be by consent for a season, that ye may give yourselves unto prayer, and may be together again, that Satan tempt you not because of your incontinency."

Prov 5:18 - "Let thy fountain be blessed; And rejoice in the wife of thy youth. [As] a loving hind and a pleasant doe, Let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; And be thou ravished always with her love."

II. A married couples biblical basic guidelines that is to be adhered to in their sexual relationships:

1. Marriage and sexuality are good and holy, being ordained by the Lord.

2. Sexual pleasure is assumed.

3. Sex and its pleasure is to be guided by the precept and principle that it is other-oriented and not self-oriented. The right over one’s body belongs to their spouse. (Note also this also does away with homosexuality and masturbation)

4. The sexual relations are to be regular and continuous with your spouse. Adequate sexual pleasure is to be given to your spouse to avoid room for temptation.

5. Sexual regularity is to be determined as often as is required by your spouse.

6. Yet on the other hand let’s understand that there is to be consideration of our mate and that consideration is a rule as well to regulate your sexual requests in marriage.

7. Sex is to be equal to both parties and reciprocal. Sex is the mutual right of both parties in the marriage. Either party (husband or wife) can and should request and initiate sexual relations.

There are no rights to bargain in the marital relations. No “in the doghouse” or “I will have sex with you if you...” or “if you don’t...” do such and such. Marriage partners must never bargain in this area of their relationship.

III. Overcoming Sexual Difficulties in Marriage:

Most sexual difficulties in a marriage are not difficulties in organic or mechanical problem areas. There is very seldom any organic or physiological problems in marriage. Sex is not the problem in difficulties in marriage. Sexual difficulties are, in almost every case the effects or results of relationship breakdowns. These difficulties consist in usually one or more of the following areas fear (ex. of getting pregnant, of abuse because of past mistreatment, some bargaining has happened, etc.), anger, resentment (which results in a “getting even with you” relationship), worry, guilt, jealousy, suspicion, fatigue (which is the result of not redeeming ones time so you become over tired). Also there may be a misunderstanding of the sexual responsibility as noted above. So when you see sexual difficulties creeping in your marital life check these issues in your life, find God’s answer and correct your life according to the Bible for real biblical peaceful change for the glory of God.

What you will generally find in most instances is that the sexual aspect of marriage does not need to be focused upon to restore your marriage or the marriage of a couple you may be helping in resolving sexual difficulties. When we focus on biblical answers and seek God’s word to overcome biblical anger, resentment, jealously, fear and fatigue then our total self is healed in Christ by the Word and Holy Spirit. Since sex and its difficulties are a result of relationship problems then when we work on these issues and correct our relationships the bad sexual habits go away. God's way in the sexual aspect of our relationship with our spouse then becomes the godly norm in our marriages.

Often we find forgivness given to us quickly from our spouses in the areas of sin we have been harboring. That is great! That is a blessing! It is wonderful to live forgiven in Christ and forgiven by men. It is only then that we can move on to building a great relationship. But, let me say here as a warning, and because it is important, that due of the intensity of sex in a relationship we need to make sure we move past forgiveness and "quick sex" after forgivness to establishing measured goals to make sure we are truly building personal relationships with our spouses which includes a foundation of love and care toward he or she. We are to use Biblical discernment in building our personal relationships with each other to make sure they are godly strong and stable in accordance with God’s word. Our relationships need to be built on biblical building blocks and not on just emotional and physical release caused by purely physical methods. Realtionships properly built can stand the storms of life that the “thornes and thistles” so often bring our way.

To help you keep your relationship biblically healthy there is one important daily principal that needs to be observed in all marriages. That principal is found in Ephesians 4: 26 “let not the sun go down on your wrath”. As someone has said the Apostle Paul in the Bible is stating that we are to keep a short account of any wrongs. You may and can get angry for righteous causes, but all is to be communicated and hopefully corrected and forgiven with reconciliation prior to bedtime and sleep on that day. This keeps our relationships strong and healthy for we are then walking through the open doors reconciliation brings so that we can build on our previously enhanced love and devotion to one another.

All of your married life is to be regarded as a sexual relationship. If what you do in your marriage effects your physical time together then it must be understood biblically that you are one in all aspects and matters in your relationship with your spouse. Therefore your relationship is sexual. All that is done in the marriage will effect the physical act and desire for intimate relationships with your mate. Issues of fear, anger, hate, etc. would need to be overcome according to the biblical standards and directions. When done the sexual relations become natural.

What if you find that in your life you are dealing with sexual guilt from your past then the question arises, "Do I speak to my spouse about the past issue?". Some say why do I need to allow my wife to know? It’s my guilt let me bear it! Usually most people come with these apprehensions and questions out of fear of the possible consequences. They have real genuine concern. However, biblically we are told that one cannot succeed in life if sins are hidden. Prov 28:13 “He that covereth his transgressions shall not prosper: But whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall obtain mercy.” In the long run continuing to hide these problems causes destruction in relationships; in this case between you and your spouse causing grave problems between the two of you. You see in marriage the two are now one. Your guilt is no longer just yours. You need to understand that these things will surface in time. There is no privacy in marriage both being one. One mate’s problems are the problems of both. We need to remember this basic reality of marriage. Your guilt affects you spouse. Do I tell my spouse? The answer to this is yes. Can it be difficult? Yes. But lets be reminded in Prov. 20:30 that difficulty in situations that are dealt with cause change. Prov 20:30 “Stripes that wound cleanse away evil; And strokes [reach] the innermost parts.” Painful experiences in the end and are to be seen as growth to the glory of God the Father.

Communication must be spoken in truth and in this communication the desires of repentance and forgiveness asked for. We must communicate in such a manner that we let it be known that we want healing in our relationships to take place. It must be spoken of the in the context that repentance has been and is being accomplished. It must be communicated that you have and / or are seeking forgiveness and reconciliation. Once again the biblical principal here is that in the marriage the two are one. The spouse is not alone. What they do effects the other in the family. Therefore there is need to share with your spouse anything that comes in as a wedge in your marriage relationship so that biblical change and healing can take place. This will affect sexual relations in the marriage positively.

IV. The Issue of Sin of Masturbation, Sexual Control and Family Beginnings:

Another question that comes up often in discussions of sexual difficulties is usually stated as such: Is masturbation sin? There does not seem to be any direct scriptures regarding this question, however we are not to be left in the dark because other passages give us a clear answer to this question. Many have tried to link Gen 38:9 to the sin of masturbation however the issue there is not the sin of masturbation but of not raising up children to the wife of the deceased brother according to the Leverite marriage law in Deut 25:5-6. There are other passages of scripture which clearly teach that masturbation is not to be done. We turn first to the passage of 1 Cor. 6:12 where Paul states he will not be mastered or controlled by anything.
1 Cor 6:12 “All things are lawful for me; but not all things are expedient. All things are lawful for me; but I will not be brought under the power of any.” In this passage Paul is stating that even if something is correct to do it is still not to master a person and hold them in bondage. We know that masturbation gets a grip or a hold on those who practice it. Young people are observed distancing themselves from family relations to perform masturbation. It causes disruptions in marriages both of a social and a sexual nature. I have personally known many couples not having a marital sexual relationship because one or both parties are controlled by masturbation. Masturbation is a controlling in the lives of those who practice it.

In the course of befriending youth you will understand that this is a great issue in their lives. Many become trapped by it very quickly. The sinful effects are numerous, the entrapment is unreal. Fantasies, guilt and shame are things that squelch the precious life from these young “socialites”. The entrapment can be so that the grip of masturbation causes many to perform the act many, and I do mean many, times a day. To be controlled by anything in this manner is wrong, therefore sin and dangerous to the person entrapped, their friends and family and their marriage. .

Secondly, masturbation and lust is inseparably linked together. The person or persons who practice masturbation lusts in his or her mind. It is not uncommon for the person to fantasize about the lady or gentleman next door, a best friends spouse, the ladies or men seen in magazines, etc. Our Lord said that to lust in the heart (mind) is to commit adultery.

5:27-28 “Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

Therefore according to Jesus and with the knowledge we have of this “beast” we must recognize this a sin. There is more adultery (and murder) committed in the heart (mind) there are ever actually physically committed. Like murder in the heart many of these adulteries take place because of the practice of masturbation.

The Apostle Paul says that that if there is no sexual control then it is better to marry. 1Cor. 7:9 “But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.” Paul does not say that masturbation is proper sexual relief for the body, he does not say it is better to masturbate than to burn with sexual desire. What he does say is that it is better to marry than to burn. This is very clear. Self-sex or masturbation is not a solution to remain unmarried, even until you are educated and or set in your career. If there is no self-control then marriage is your answer, the alternative is clear, and lets step up that process and seek to covenant yourself with a godly mate.

Masturbation is definitely wrong since it constitutes a perversion of the sexual act. Sexuality does not exist for me (1 Cor. 7:3-4). It does not exist for my own pleasure. God has provided sex for the partner He has or will gives us. This is fundamental - we are not given the rights of our own bodies. God in His infinite wisdom directs our bodies in how we are to work them and how we are to perform and function with our body parts both prior to marriage and after marriage. The body must be used prior to marriage in purity and in post marriage for the purposes laid down in scripture as stated above. You must also be aware of the sexual temperature of your bodies and direct yourself accordingly as a good steward of that which God has given to you. If you cannot control sexually then marriage rather than sin is the answer.

Parents it is here that we need to realize that if our children are becoming sexually aware and there is difficulty of sexual control in them then God forbid we make them wait years down the road for marriage. We are to be teaching and leading them to have self control amd [personal discipline. However if that is not realistic then the young adults need to get on with marriage and start their family in obedience to God and His Word. In our society today adults, even Christians, push the sexual openness issue without even realizing it. We push for our precious Johnny and gorgeous Suzy to get through college and the masters programs for a great job and then establish a career before thinking of getting married. We get caught up in the “thing” society is doing as a norm and we seek to push back the real normal biblical sexual marital relationships till mid-late twenties or early thirties. Well, hormones are working, the body is getting older, and the young adults are doing what their body is calling them to do; which is to seek sexual relief either in masturbation or sexual relationships. If, and in most cases there are, sexual relations that will happen. It is then that Suzy gets pregnant and therefore the option for abortion comes to mind. You get the picture! In reality God’s call for Johnny and Suzy is to get married (1Cor 7) not commit fornication so as not to risk the chance of nor the option of killing an innocent victim.

We older adults have not trained our children in the area of “body works and its call for marriage”. We have trained them to “subdue body works” for the sake of education and career. “Marriage and sexuality must come later”, we say. God help us! As the body matures we need to prepare their minds for marriage in priority over “formal education and formal careers”. We need not put this type of sexual pressure upon our children. Masturbation, by the way, is one of many of the effects of the great sexual pressures that society today puts its young adults.

Masturbation is nothing more than self-sex. Self-sex is not biblical. This entrapment can be overcome in Christ. You can be delivered. This is not a unique temptation and many other believers throughout history and the world have had to seek the scriptures in a practical manner to overcome their temptation. We have the Holy Spirit and his Word to give us direction and power. What then do we do to suppress this in our lives or in helping others to overcome this problem?:

a. The first thing is to realize as has been stated above that sex and sexual relations are not for self gratification but are for God ordained purposes. Therefore to have self-sex is sin. This basic recognition is important for the changing process in the life of a Christian who is mastered or controlled by this sin.

b. You now need to begin to see the biblical sexual relations in the light of the Bible and in the way and purposes to which God has established them. You need to look at sex from God’s point of view.

c. Next you will need to put into practice loving God and glorifying Him by keeping in step with the ways which He has established for his creation in all areas of life and especially in the area sex.

In doing this you are truly repenting and turning to the Lord from this area of sin in your life. This biblical love for God will move you by his Word and Spirit not to practice masturbation.
Now you may also need to do some practical radical adjustments in your life to help you resist and restrain the temptation in order not to commit this sinful practice.

It is also important that you seek a Christian friend that will help you and hold you accountable for your actions. You also may want to seek guidance from the pastor or elders or their wives if there are no spiritual people in your Church you are aware of that can help you. If you look to Christian friends oe a special member of the Church make sure they are mature enough to guide you biblically. Since sex is a powerful pull on a persom you will especially need these people if you find yourself struggling and know that you could possibly stumble. It is important to use the Church both in fellowship and gifts to help move us to discipline and godliness.

VI. Homosexuality And Deliverance:

In our society the sin of homosexuality as an alternative lifestyle is pushed upon each of us either to experiment wit or accept it as normal sexual practice. We are called on in the corporate world to accept diversity. Diversity is a term used excessively by the proponents of the gay rights movement to manipulate people to accept the homosexual lifestyle. Many Christians are accepting homosexuality as a genetic disorder and therefore many Christians are stating that homosexuality cannot be helped. It is seen by some that homosexuals are, “just different from us”, “they have just another life style”, “ that is just the way they do things”, “this is their way of practicing their sexuality”, or “they are intelligent and are just more open”, etc.

The Bible calls homosexuality a sin. But it is not a sin that one has to live with. In 1 Cor. 6:11 Paul stated that some saints at Corinth had practiced homosexuality along with other sins but that in Christ they had been cleansed from these sins and had been sanctified.

1Cor 6:9-11 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

They were clean and separated from these sins being translated into the kingdom of God and His righteousness. They now inherit the kingdom of God. Notice these people previously performed the sins but in Christ they were delivered and found that they no longer did their previous sins. They were delievered! What I have ran into lately is the teaching that there is to be a distinguishing factor between the homosexual act and the homosexual desire. Christians are calling the act itself a sin but not the desire. It goes something like this, “You are a sinner. Therefore repent of sin believe in Christ and do not practice the sin of homosexuality. I am sorry your desire will still be there but at least you will not be sinning.” Well this creates a problem if you follow this thought for you allow a person to burn in sexual lust always having a physical desire for sexual activity of the homosexual type.

With this thinking the person will always be where God does not intend them to be and that is without peace of mind and in a non-fulfilled relationship. This can never be, for that person will probably fall back to that lifestyle for he has not really been “delivered” from the sin of it but just from the “act”. That person who lives in this manner never has the joy and peace from the Holy Spirit that comes from being in the kingdom of God. He or she will eventually go back to the homosexual community. We need to understand that Jesus taught that sin in the heart as he described with both adultery and murder is also there with homosexual desires. Not only is the act sin but so is the desire (Rom 1:27). So in the heart of the homosexual who is “just not practicing” still has sin in his heart. There is no deliverance in this at all. There is no “but such as were some of you” in this non-biblical teaching. The life they live will be one of sin of desire bringing constant pain and hurt and therefore no real deliverance. They would live with an “it could be better” mentality instead of “it is great to be clean and set apart from the sins of the past” which leads to rejoicing and great praise to the God of salvation. If there is no true deliverance from the practice and desire of homosexuality then the heart still has an idol – homosexuality. The person is still in their sin. But let me be clear we must not hold to this most disturbing thinking for real salvation and conversion destroys those idols and turns one to serve God in all areas of life, sexuality included.

If both the act and the desire is sin then how can one overcome this great life controlling sin. First acknowledge that homosexuality is sin Rom 1:27 (see total context). Homosexuality is spoken of as being a degrading passion, an indecent act, and error, an activity of a depraved mind and it is declared an activity worthy of death. The person needs to understand that it is a horrible sin, and that it must be repented of. (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Rom. 1; 1Cor. 6:11; 1 Tim 1:10). In every biblical passage homosexuality is considered sin. It is an unacceptable way of life. It is something to be repented of. It is in Christ by the Word and the Spirit that deliverance both in act and desire can be accomplished.

We also need to understand that to the homosexual offender wse can hold out hope to them. Christ is the answer! 1Cor 6:11 Christ washes the person. This is the starting point. We need to call the person to a faith in Christ that brings complete washing and sanctification. This faith in Christ is: Christ as Lord of all of life even sexuality. This is true evangelization, God in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing men’s sins against them, but imputing his righteousness to them and giving them the Holy Spirit, the word, the church, prayer and fellowship. It is in all of this that there is a work of God for change and continued help and growth in the grace of deliverance bestowed upon the believer. Christ delivers the sinner and sanctifies them setting them apart to Himself both in heart or mind and in a change of conduct or lifestyle practices. The gospel of grace to the one needing help is the starting point for the life changing grace of God. God’s grace changes the liar, the drunkard, the adulterer, the thief and the homosexual the same way: through conversion that comes through evangelization. This is the starting point of hope..Also the person that comes to Christ needs to know that they are not the only people in history that have had to deal with that particular sin but that many in history have. We have already mentioned that some in the Corinthian church had desired and practiced that sin prior to conversion. Also we can let them know that there is no temptation that is unique only to them but whatever that temptation is there is a promise of full deliverance.

1Cor 10:13 “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God [is] faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear (it).” Even in the “worst temptation” you are not alone for Christ is with you and He will provide you with a way of escape.

We have the promise of this. All sin can be restrained and resisted by the power of the Holy Spirit and the being obedient to the Word. God never leaves us alone. You are not by yourself and you are given biblical direction how to resist and restrain sin and its harmful consequences.

Once someone comes to Christ they need to be taught in his Word. There needs to be teaching structured around them in discipleship so that they can learn to by the power of the Holy Spirit put away the old man and his habits and put on the new man and Christ’s holy habits. There needs to be teaching and discipleship concerning biblical sexuality, the need for separation from the world and its influences, and other things in the Bible which touch life that affects godly l

VII. New Believers And Disciplship:

1. Teach the need for breaking with past associations that would continue to feed temptations.

2. Teaching of the need for worship and church attendance

3. Teach Bible reading and study = so that you can learn of God and His ways in a systematic and orderly manner.

4. Teach family matters.

5. Instruct in what friendship is and the need to establish new friends

6. Instruct in the need to witness

7. You will want to establish new friends understanding biblical friendship.

8. Money matters will need to be taught

9. There needs to be instruction understanding that sin and sickness can be linked together

10. The instruction in rescheduling activities in order to go to places and do activities that are healthy and wholesome.

11. The need to learn to put no more emphasis upon sexual experiences than God puts upon them in the Bible.

12. Also instruction in the gift the covenant of marriage, sex, and family.

VIII. Conclusion

There is hope and deliverance in Christ in all sexual sins. Sexual difficulties people face are really not that difficult. They do seem difficult if you are struggling with sexual sins. All sexual difficulties are relational. Heterosexual difficulties result in improper role functions and sinful habits and practices established in the marriage (relationship to God and to spouse is improper). Difficulties for the ones trapped in masturbation is a relational issue which is nonconforming to God’s ways therefore sex is directed to self (the relation to God and to self is improper). For the homosexual the relationships are improper with sex being turned to the same sex (relationship to God and to others of the same sex is improper). Finding out that these relationships are improper and seeking to establish proper relationships in Christ will resolve the sexual difficulties. Much more could be said about sexual difficulties. I do hope that this is enough to show that God and his word is powerful enough and sufficient to guide you into peace and comfort as you are fully delivered from sexual sins you may be struggling with.

Oh Lord, grant us to learn of You and Your answers that we may be filled with all joy, peace and righteousness to Your glory. And may our relationships with God, our spouses, ourselves and others be proper so that we not sin against the God our Creator! Amen

Infants In The Celestial City!

Heavenly Infants

By Steve

Dear Christian parent one can’t begin to express the sorrow felt for the loss of yours or of any infant in death. Many have come to visit over the years to talk about whether the infant is in the presence of God or not. Some were quite assured that their child was in the presence of the Lord Jesus but others were just not sure. Then there were some Christian parents that just were not sure, had never been sure and lived in fear that they may never see their infant again. There is not a window that we can look into heaven to see where infants are after they die, but there is a book called the Bible that clearly gives the answer concerning where the infants of Christians parents are after they pass from this world. If you’re assured of your infant being with the Lord continue to read this article and be renewed in your assurance. If you have doubts or have never understood where the infant is then this is for you. When you read this and understand the teaching of God concerning infants of Christians then your heart should be troubled no more.

“Why the death of my small innocent boy or girl baby?” you may be continuing to ask yourself. “How can it be that my “innocent” baby died?” “Why Did God take him or her from me?” Some of these questions cannot be answered.

But why death happens can be answered. .Some may respond that their infant was “innocent and never sinned” and therefore not guilty until they commit an actual act of sin. God lets us know that this is not so. God lets parents know that all men are guilty of sin from conception. In this life all of the reasons for God calling the child home will never be known. What is known though is that we live in a world wherein there is sin and it has consequences. The Bible teaches that all persons since our first parents Adam and Eve are born and conceived in this state of sin. In the beginning the first parent Adam brought sin into the world and with it came death and misery such as you have experienced in the death of your infant. “Therefore, just as sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men because all sinned-- for sin indeed was in the world before the law was given, but sin is not counted where there is no law. Yet death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those whose sinning was not like the transgression of Adam, who was a type of the one who was to come.” (Rom 5:12-14) Death will come to all of us as it has come to your infant for the simple reason that the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). The infant, like all of us still living were conceived in iniquity, and in sin their mother and father conceived them (Ps. 51:5). Death came upon them due to the fact of the guilt of sin upon them. It will come upon us due to our guilt as well.

The child that died in infancy that, being of the covenant is with the Lord!

Even though death came to your child because of sin that is in this world that does not mean that your child is not with the Lord. For the Christian parent there is not one reason you should doubt that the infant child which died is saved and with the Lord Jesus. The believing parent has as their spiritual father Abraham. Therefore you are entered into a covenant relationship with God and therefore you have the promises of the covenant placed upon you and your family. Gen 17:7 “… I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.” Therefore your child that died in infancy is with the Lord since your children are included in the covenant of grace. This blessing is shown in the Bible in several ways:

By God’s statements to Abraham that includes the rite of circumcision which proves that the children of believers are included in the covenant. Circumcision was the rite that signified the covenant relationship. God says in Gen 17:7 “… I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you.”

By Peter’s statement in his sermon at Pentecost clearly placed the children of believers in the covenant of grace. Act 2:39 For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."

By the purpose of God in marriage between believers is to produce a godly offspring. Mal 2:15 Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.

By the Apostle Paul in 1 Cor 7:14-16 affirms that the children of unbelieving parents are “unclean”. But if even one parent believes the children are included in the covenant and even called “holy”.

There are Bible examples of this hope and certainty of reunion which the covenant brings. Here are a couple.

A. First is the account of King David wherein he was unburdened and comforted by the knowledge that his child was not lost forever but he would be with the Lord and they would be reunited. Note what he said, “I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me” (2 Sam. 12:23).

B. Secondly we have the account where Jeremiah prophesied (31:15-17) and gave evidence that the infants which were murdered in Bethlehem by the orders of King Herod (Matt. 2:16-18) were not forever lost but were in the presence of God and they and their parents would be reunited. Jeremiah stated the Lord’s declaration in his prophesy, “there is hope for your future, declares the Lord, and your children shall come back to their own country”.

Thus says the LORD: "A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more." Thus says the LORD: "Keep your voice from weeping, and your eyes from tears, for there is a reward for your work, declares the LORD, and they shall come back from the land of the enemy. There is hope for your future, declares the LORD, and your children shall come back to their own country. (Jer 31:15-17)

Therefore do not doubt the salvation of any of your children that died in infancy. Take comfort in the promise of God, in the examples contained within scripture and in the peace which comes from knowing the Lord Jesus personally. Rest assured that since you are a member of the covenant your and your children are a part of God’s decree of election, saved by the finished work of the shed blood of Christ. Therefore, beloved brethren rest that your dear infant is now in heaven “with Christ, which is far better” (Phil 1:23). He or she is a true “heavenly infants”! Oh parent, look for the day of Christ’s return. Await oh, blessed ones. There is coming a day of reunions. On that glorious day of the return of Our Lord you will be before your Savior and be restored unto your beloved child. Oh, what joys inexpressible and gull of glory. !

Some Applicable Scriptural References:

1. In comparing these Scripture together one understands that children of believing parents that die in infancy are regenerated by the Holy Spirit and saved by Christ.

Luk 18:15-16 Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. (16) But Jesus called them to him, saying, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

Act 2:38-39 And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (39) For the promise is for you and for your children and for all who are far off, everyone whom the Lord our God calls to himself."

Joh 3:3 Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." …….. Joh 3:5 Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.

1Jo 5:12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Rom 8:9 You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him.

2. The work of the Holy Spirit in regeneration is not something that is seen by human watching.

Joh 3:8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit."

3. Any person in the covenant who is incapable of being called by the normal means through the visible church by the preaching of the word is saved by Christ, through a special work of the Holy Spirit.

1Jo 5:12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.

Act 4:12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved."

4. Children of believers are called holy.

1Co 7:14 For the unbelieving husband is made holy because of his wife, and the unbelieving wife is made holy because of her husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.

Mal 2:15 Did he not make them one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union? And what was the one God seeking? Godly offspring. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.




Our woeful condition by nature, through breaking the covenant of works. Hos. 13:9. O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself.

I. THE almighty and eternal God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, three distinct persons in the one and the same undivided Godhead, equally infinite in all perfections, did, before time, most wisely decree, for his own glory, whatsoever cometh to pass in time: and doth most holily and infallibly execute all his decrees, without being partaker of the sin of any creature.

II. This God, in six days, made all things of nothing, very good in their own kind: in special, he made all the angels holy; and he made our first parents, Adam and Eve, the root of mankind, both upright and able to keep the law written in their heart. Which law they were naturally bound to obey under pain of death; but God was not bound to reward their service, till he entered into a covenant or contract with them, and their posterity in them, to give them eternal life, upon condition of perfect personal obedience; withal threatening death in case they should fail. This is the covenant of works.

III. Both angels and men were subject to the change of their own free will, as experience proved, (God having reserved to himself the incommunicable property of being naturally unchangeable:) for many angels of their own accord fell by sin from their first estate, and became devils. Our first parents, being enticed by Satan, one of these devils speaking in a serpent, did break the covenant of works, in eating the forbidden fruit; whereby they, and their posterity, being in their loins, as branches in the root, and comprehended in the same covenant with them, became not only liable to eternal death, but also lost all ability to please God; yea, did become by nature enemies to God, and to all spiritual good, and inclined only to evil continually. This is our original sin, the bitter root of all our actual transgressions, in thought, word, and deed.


The remedy provided in Jesus Christ for the elect by t
he covenant of grace. Hos. 13:9. O Israel, thou hast destroyed thyself; but in me is thine help.

I. ALBEIT man, having brought himself into this woeful condition, be neither able to help himself, nor willing to be helped by God out of it, but rather inclined to lie still, insensible of it, till he perish; yet God, for the glory of his rich grace, hath revealed in his word a way to save sinners, viz. by faith in Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God, by virtue of, and according to the tenor of the covenant of redemption, made and agreed upon between God the Father and God the Son, in the council of the Trinity, before the world began.

II. The sum of the covenant of redemption is this: God having freely chosen unto life a certain number of lost mankind, for the glory of his rich grace, did give them, before the world began, unto God the Son, appointed Redeemer, that, upon condition he would humble himself so far as to assume the human nature, of a soul and a body, unto personal union with his divine nature, and submit himself to the law, as surety for them, and satisfy justice for them, by giving obedience in their name, even unto the suffering of the cursed death of the cross, he should ransom and redeem them all from sin and death, and purchase unto them righteousness and eternal life, with all saving graces leading thereunto, to be effectually, by means of his own appointment, applied in due time to every one of them. This condition the Son of God (who is Jesus Christ our Lord) did accept before the world began, and in the fulness of time came into the world, was born of the Virgin Mary, subjected himself to the law, and completely paid the ransom on the cross: But by virtue of the foresaid bargain, made before the world began, he is in all ages, since the fall of Adam, still upon the work of applying actually the purchased benefits unto the elect; and that he doth by way of entertaining a covenant of free grace and reconciliation with them, through faith in himself; by which covenant, he makes over to every believer a right and interest to himself, and to all his blessings.

III. For the accomplishment of this covenant of redemption, and making the elect partakers of the benefits thereof in the covenant of grace, Christ Jesus was clad with the threefold office of Prophet, Priest, and King: made a Prophet, to reveal all saving knowledge to his people, and to persuade them to believe and obey the same; made a Priest, to offer up himself a sacrifice once for them all, and to intercede continually with the Father, for making their persons and services acceptable to him; and made a King, to subdue them to himself, to feed and rule them by his own appointed ordinances, and to defend them from their enemies.


The outward means appointed to make the elect partakers of this covenant, and all the rest that are called, to be inexcusable. Matt. 22:14. Many are called.

I. THE outward means and ordinances, for making men partakers of the covenant of grace, are so wisely dispensed, as that the elect shall be infallibly converted and saved by them; and the reprobate, among whom they are, not to be justly stumbled: The means are especially these four. 1. The word of God. 2. The sacraments. 3. Kirk-government. 4. Prayer. In the word of God preached by sent messengers, the Lord makes offer of grace to all sinners, upon condition of faith in Jesus Christ; and whosoever do confess their sin, accept of Christ offered, and submit themselves to his ordinances, he will have both them and their children received into the honour and privileges of the covenant of grace. By the sacraments, God will have the covenant sealed for confirming the bargain on the foresaid condition. By kirk-government, he will have them hedged in, and helped forward unto the keeping of the covenant. And by prayer, he will have his own glorious grace, promised in the covenant, to be daily drawn forth, acknowledged, and employed. All which means are followed either really, or in profession only, according to the quality of the covenanters, as they are true or counterfeit believers.

II. The covenant of grace, set down in the Old Testament before Christ came, and in the New since he came, is one and the same in substance, albeit different in outward administration: For the covenant in the Old Testament, being sealed with the sacraments of circumcision and the paschal lamb, did set forth Christ's death to come, and the benefits purchased thereby, under the shadow of bloody sacrifices, and sundry ceremonies: but since Christ came, the covenant being sealed by the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's supper, doth clearly hold forth Christ already crucified before our eyes, victorious over death and the grave, and gloriously ruling heaven and earth, for the good of his own people.


The blessings which are effectually conveyed by these means to the Lord's elect, or chosen ones. Matt. 22:14. Many are called, but few are chosen.

I. BY these outward ordinances, as our Lord makes the reprobate inexcusable, so, by the power of his Spirit, he applies unto the elect, effectually, all saving graces purchased to them in the covenant of redemption, and maketh a change in their persons. In particular, 1. He doth convert or regenerate them, by giving spiritual life to them, in opening their understandings, renewing their wills, affections, and faculties, for giving spiritual obedience to his commands. 2. He gives them saving faith, by making them, in the sense of deserved condemnation, to give their consent heartily to the covenant of grace, and to embrace Jesus Christ unfeignedly. 3. He gives them repentance, by making them, with godly sorrow, in the hatred of sin, and love of righteousness, turn from all iniquity to the service of God. And, 4. He sanctifies them, by making them go on and persevere in faith and spiritual obedience to the law of God, manifested by fruitfulness in all duties, and doing good works, as God offereth occasion.

II. Together with this inward change of their persons, God changes also their state: for, so soon as they are brought by faith into the covenant of grace, 1. He justifies them, by imputing unto them that perfect obedience which Christ gave to the law, and the satisfaction also which upon the cross Christ gave unto justice in their name. 2. He reconciles them, and makes them friends to God, who were before enemies to God. 3. He adopts them, that they shall be no more children of Satan, but children of God, enriched with all spiritual privileges of his sons. And, last of all, after their warfare in this life is ended, he perfects the holiness and blessedness, first of their souls at their death, and then both of their souls and their bodies, being joyfully joined together again in the resurrection, at the day of his glorious coming to judgment, when all the wicked shall be sent away to hell, with Satan; whom they have served: but Christ's own chosen and redeemed ones, true believers, students of holiness, shall remain with himself for ever, in the state of glorification.

Friday, March 24, 2006

What does it mean to be born again? (A Must Read)

Regeneration - What does it mean to be born again?
By Wayne A. Grudem


We may define regeneration as follows: Regeneration is a secret act of God in which he imparts new spiritual life to us. This is sometimes called "being born again" (using language from John 3:3-8).

Regeneration Is Totally a Work of God

In some of the elements of the application of redemption that we discuss in subsequent chapters, we play an active part (this is true, for example, of conversion, sanctification and perseverance). But in the work of regeneration, we play no active role at all. It is instead totally a work of God. We see this, for example, when John talks about those to whom Christ gave power to become children of God -- they "were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God" (John 1:13). Here john specifies that children of God are those who are "born ...of God" and our human will ("the will of man") does not bring about this kind of birth. The fact that we are passive in regeneration is also evident when Scripture refers to it as being "born" or "born again" (cf. James 1:18; 1 Peter 1:3; John 3:3-8). We did not choose to be made physically alive and we did not choose to be born -- it is something that happened to us; similarly, these analogies in Scripture suggest that we are entirely passive in regeneration.

This sovereign work of God in regeneration was also predicted in the prophesy of Ezekiel. Through him God promised a time in the future when he would give new spiritual to his people:

A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will take out of your flesh the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to observe my ordinances. (Ezek 36:26-27)

Which member of the Trinity is the one who causes regeneration? When Jesus speaks of being "born of the Spirit" (John 3:8), he indicates that it is especially God the Holy Spirit who produces regeneration. But other verses also indicate the involvement of God the Father in regeneration: Paul specifies that it is God who “made us alive together with Christ" (Eph 2:5; cf. Col 2:13). And James says that it is the "father of lights “who gave us new birth: "Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures" (James 1:17-18). Finally, Peter says that God "according to his abundant mercy has given us new birth ...through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead" (1 Peter 1:3, author's translation). We can conclude that both God the Father and God the Holy Spirit bring about regeneration.

What is the connection between effective calling and regeneration? As we will see later in this chapter, Scripture indicates that regeneration must come before we can respond to effective calling with saving faith. Therefore we can say that regeneration comes before the result of effective calling (our faith). But it is more difficult to specify the exact relationship in time between regeneration and the human proclamation of the gospel through which God works in effective calling. At least two passages suggest that God regenerates us at the same time as he speaks to us in effective calling. Peter says, "You have been born anew, not of perishable seed but of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God.... That word is the good news which was preached to you" (1 Peter 1:23, 35). And James says, "He chose to give us birth through the word of truth" (James 1:18 NIV). As the gospel comes to us, God speaks through it to summon us to himself (effective calling) and to give us new spiritual life (regeneration) so that we are enabled to respond in faith. Effective calling is thus God the Father speaking powerfully to us, and regeneration is God the Father and God the Holy Spirit working powerfully in us, to make us alive. These two things must have happened simultaneously as Peter was preaching the gospel to the household of Cornelius, for while he was still preaching "the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word' (Acts 10:44).

Sometimes the term irresistible grace is used in this connection. It refers to the fact that God effectively calls people and also gives them regeneration, and both actions guarantee that we will respond in saving faith. The term irresistible grace is subject to misunderstanding, however, since it seems to imply that people do not make a voluntary, willing choice in responding to the gospel--a wrong idea, and a wrong understanding of the term irresistible grace. The term does preserve something valuable, however, because it indicates that God's work reaches into out hearts to bring about a response that is absolutely certain-- even though we respond voluntarily....(see Eph 2:1, 5; John 3:3, 7, 8; Col 2:13; 2 Cor 5:17)

In This Sense of "Regeneration," It Comes Before Saving Faith

Using the verses quoted above, we have defined regeneration to be the act of God awakening spiritual life within us, bringing us from spiritual death to spiritual life. On this definition, it is natural to understand that regeneration comes before saving faith. It is in fact this work of God that gives us the spiritual ability to respond to God in faith. However, when we say that it comes "before" saving faith, it is important to remember that they usually come so close together that it will ordinarily seem to us that they are happening at the same time. As God addresses the effective call of the gospel to us, he regenerates us as we respond in faith and repentance to this call. So from our perspective it is hard to tell any difference in time, especially because regeneration is a spiritual work that we cannot perceive with our eyes or even understand with our minds. (Scriptural passages John 3:5; John 6:44, 65; Acts 16:14; Eph 2:4-5; Col 2:13).

The idea that regeneration comes before saving faith is not always understood by evangelicals today. Sometimes people will even say something like, "If you believe in Christ as your Savior, then (after you believe) you will be born again." But Scripture itself never says anything like that. The new birth is viewed by Scripture as something that God does within us in order to enable us to believe.... if we are to use language that closely conforms to the actual wording of Scripture, it would be better to restrict the word "regeneration" to the instantaneous, initial work of God in which he imparts spiritual life to us.

Excerpts Taken from Systematic Theology by Wayne A. Grudem. Copyright© 1994 by Wayne Grudem.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Ok Guys the next great blog site is.............................

Please go to it read it and bookmark it. It is new but many of us have known Clayton online for a few years now and we expect him to be his normal self and with that we get exciting and provocative discussion and comment.


The Keys! Who Has Them?

The Keys ! Who Has Them?


I was on line in a chat room two nights ago with about 40 people and was shocked that very few of the people seemed to know very much about the Keys of the kingdom and the work of them amongst ordained men. I was surprised when many commented in text that" a pastor is just another man". I submit to you that we all need to hold pastors worthy of double honor. Also i want to say that you and I that are not ordained do not nor can we do the job of using the keys of the kingdom. Please read what I have put together and if we need to talk let's discuss this more on line. God bless you ..... Steve


I find it unfortunate that there have been two extremes errors regarding the keys of the kingdom. The first error, not necessarily the greatest error, is the extreme is that Peter and Church leaders after him received absolute unquestioned authority. The second equally extreme error is that the Peter and Church leaders (elders) receives little or no authority at all. The first view is taken by the Roman Catholic Church and implies that Peter and all his successors have all the authority in the Church. This has lead to more errors than we could even dare to mention here since volumes have been written on those errors. The second does not really see ministers nor the Church with any real authority in ones life. It opens the door to going to church “if I feel like it”, the sin of not giving honor to the elders, nor seeing and understanding the call of God and ordination to a man as hardly anything at all. There is little to no acknowledgement (usually none) that one is to “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls”.

Mat 16:18-19 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. (19) I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

Neither of the extremes are correct for the men that lead the Church are called of God, working under His authority, and in their call and ministry “whatever (they) bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever (they) loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven" is their ministry.

In this writing I am more concerned with the second extreme. That extreme creates many a problem. One is that without ecclesiastical authority and proper biblical processes of discipline Christians go around stating that others are not Christians for many different reasons. Each person seeks to take unto themselves the keys of the kingdom. This should not be so. It leads to vigilante, independent Christianity since there is no authority but “my own” as I privately read and interpret the Bible for and by myself. The problems taken own are making judgments by oneself without question or accountability from anyone with true ecclesiastical authority. Many times it causes people to bear false witness against one another and leads to fights and disputes. And so on this goes.

Now opposed to the concerned extremes I mentioned above the scripture is clear that Jesus is head of the church. The government of the Church is upon His shoulders as Isaiah stated: “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isa. 9:6)

The confession of Peter in Matt 16:16-19 is the one Christian confession which is the very foundation of the Church. After stating his confession and Jesus commenting upon it Jesus conferred upon Peter official church authority, obligations; and responsibilities regarding administrating the keys of the kingdom.

Mat 16:16-19 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-jona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven. And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

The authority conferred upon Peter in the administering the keys of the kingdom as a man called of God is also to be exercised by all the officials of the Church since they too are called of God and ordained to this duty. Christ has appointed a Church that is presbyterial in form. The administration of the constitution of the Church, the Bible, is carried through ordained officers called elders, presbyters, or bishops. (Acts 15; 1 Tim 5:17; Acts 20:17,28) The elders of the Church have been given power and authority which resides in the keys of the kingdom. Neither Peter nor any elder or group of elders have unquestioned power and authority. But they do have official Church authority, divinely called obligations and responsibilities to the Lord and to the Church in the office of administration of the keys of the kingdom. The administration of the keys by the elders throughout history in the past and in the future have the same results Peter is described to have had. (compare Matt. 16:18-19;18:17-18; Jn. 20:21) Remember is the Lord that calls and ordains men to administrate His authority in the Church. (Eph.2:20; 1 Cor. 14:37; 2 PT. 3:17; Heb. 1:1,2)

1Co 12:28-29 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues. (29) Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles?

Eph 4:11-13 And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, (12) to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, (13) until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ,

Mat 18:17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector.

Joh 20:21-23 Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven; if you withhold forgiveness from anyone, it is withheld."

Heb 13:17 Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.

The keys are not their keys but the keys are owned by the Head of the Church who is Christ Jesus Her Lord who alone has the power to open or to close the kingdom of heaven since He has “the keys of Death and Hades” Rev. 1:18. The elders are called to administer Christ’s keys in the Church. They are the administrators of the power to open or close the kingdom of heaven to other men for a Christ said to them “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”. The keys are the preaching of the word of God and Church discipline. Both of which the elders of the Church are to administer.

The constitution of the Church is the Bible which is the inspired Scriptures which includes the sixty six books of the Old and New Testament: Genesis – Revelation. It is the only and supreme authority within the Church.

a. The Preaching of the Word of God

The preaching of the word is the power of God unto salvation to all that believe ( Rom 1:16; 1 Cor 1:18). When preached in truth and purity God opens the kingdom to believing sinners (John 3:16). Why does the preaching bring life? Because it is one of the keys of the kingdom given to the Church for this very reason!

The key of faithful preaching does not only open the kingdom. The key of faithful preaching also closes the kingdom to those that reject, are neglectful or are indifferent to the gospel message. In the pronouncement of the gospel the kingdom is either opened to a person or closed to a person. When the gospel is preached the keys to the “door of the kingdom turn” either in opening or closing the door of the kingdom to men.

b. Church Discipline

The second key is that of Church discipline. With this key “ a man that is a heretic after the first and second admonition reject” and when one will not hear the Church “let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector”. This is the actual administration by the power of Christ by which heaven is closed to a person unless they repent.

The key of Church discipline does not only close the kingdom. When faithfully administered it also opens the kingdom to the repentant sinner. (2 Cor. 2:6-8)

Finally lets note that the Scriptures do not lend themselves to individual aggression against thehereticks outside of Church authority.

It is important that we note that the letters in the New Testament by the apostle Paul and others are written to the Churches and therefore the church leadership was involved in all the divisive and heretical issues. Individuals did not make judgments out side of the ordained church leadership. Therefore the ordained men use the keys of the kingdom and instructing its “members” how to act and react. And they used the keys to perform regarding Church discipline. There are no independent “para church” vigilante Christians in the New Testament Scripture, the Christians took the instruction of the apostles and elders! We are to tak the instruction of the elders today as well, We are not to make judgmental calls ourselves. We cannot find people doing that in the scripture. Those that had the administration of the keys of the kingdom di make the judgments and then gave Christians instructions concerning the heresies in the first century church. These principles we do and can apply today in cases of heresy but the leadership still needs to ensure they have instructed us in what groups are non-christian since they have properly administered the keys of the kingdom.

Paul was clear in the Pastoral Epistles, as well as at Ephesians that the elders of the Church were to teach, instruct and warn watching out for the souls of the people of God (Acts 20; Heb. 13:17; etc.) Timothy, a called man of God was instructed by Paul to do the work of the ministry (using the keys) instructing the church, disciplining the deficient and negligent, being instant in and out of season, regarding error and apostasy doing the work of the ministry (using the keys). Paul told Titus that the mouths of the insubordinate and deceivers had to be stopped. (Titus1:11) How? By the use of the keys of the kingdom.. The church leaders are the ones that are to take the lead in these things as they watch for our souls. It is interesting that there is not one person that came forward with a doctrinal heresy but those called and ordained of God. I do believe that all hereseys are to be worked through te church and its ecclesiastical authority and never attacked and “pounced upon” by individual people of faith. It is just the job that the authorities have in their administration of the keys of the kingdom.

The Church at Rome was to avoid divisive persons. Again this is a Church discipline (key issue). Paul told the Church that Satan would be crushed under their feet shortly. Note the letter is to the church.

John instructed the lady in his second letter to beware of those that would come to her home that had the message of antichrist, She was not to show hospitality nor greet them at all.

Peter, wrote warning believers about those peddling false and damaging doctrine. He asked them to make their calling and election sure and to beware lest they too fall from their steadfastness. He called for them to grow in grace and knowledge. He did not call for them by themselves, in an independent fashion to take on those bringing false doctrine.

Titus, a minister of the keys of the kingdom, wrote instructing the Church concerning certain heretics. He used the keys exposing them (1:5.19) and ask the Christians to contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints to against them and the finally in watching for their souls instructed them in the necessity of “building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.”

May God give us the wisdom to have discernment to know our position in Christ’s kingdom and may we pray for those that watch for our souls, Also may we not sin in judging anyone prematurely and in the case of possible heresy get the info to our church leaders quickly so that the keys of the kingdom can do their work for the glory of God and the purity of His Bride!

Appendix A

Chapter 30: Of Church Censures

30:1 The Lord Jesus, as King and Head of His Church, hath therein appointed a government, in the hand of Church officers, distinct from the civil magistrate (Isa_9:6, Isa_9:7; Mat_28:18-20; Act_20:17, Act_20:28; 1Co_12:28; 1Th_5:12; 1Ti_5:17; Heb_13:7, Heb_13:17, Heb_13:24).

30:2 To these officers, the keys of the kingdom of heaven are committed: by virtue whereof, they have power respectively to retain, and remit sins; to shut that kingdom against the impenitent, both by the Word and censures; and to open it unto penitent sinners, by the ministry of the Gospel, and by absolution from censures, as occasion shall require (Mat_16:19; Mat_18:17, Mat_18:18; Joh_20:21-23; 2Co_2:6-8).

30:3 Church censures are necessary, for the reclaiming and gaining of offending brethren, for deterring of others from the like offences, for purging out of that leaven which might infect the whole lump, for vindicating the honour of Christ, and the holy profession of the Gospel, and for preventing the wrath of God, which might justly fall upon the Church, if they should suffer His covenant and the seals thereof to be profaned by notorious and obstinate offenders (Mat_7:6; 1Co_5:1-13; 1Co_11:27-34 with Jud_1:23; 1Ti_1:20; 1Ti_5:20).

30:4 For the better attaining of these ends, the officers of the Church are to proceed by admonition; suspension from the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper for a season; and by excommunication from the Church; according to the nature of the crime, and demerit of the person (Mat_18:17; 1Co_5:4, 1Co_5:5, 1Co_5:13; 1Th_5:12; 2Th_3:6, 2Th_3:14, 2Th_3:15; Tit_3:10).

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

How Is Your Conscience?

How's Is Your Conscience?

Within the Bible it is easy to pick out 4 types of conscience. They are:

  1. Seared Conscience
  2. Untrained Conscience
  3. Weak Conscience
  4. Biblical Conscience

The Seared Conscience-

The seared conscience is a conscience that has been activated by biblical truth but, is no longer activated by biblical criteria. The conscience has no guilty feelings, see nor see any need for excusing what they do. It is this conscience that blasphemes the Holy Spirit. If one wants to see this type of conscience go visit a maxium security prision like the Red Onion Maximum Security prision in Southwest Virginia.

1 Tim 4:2

2. Untrained Conscience-

The untrained conscience has never been activated by biblical truth. Therefore those with untrained consciences do not have or have very few guilt feelings, they don’t make excuses for what they do since they don’t know the biblical way in doing things. The conscience is these folks can be remedied by being taught and trained in biblical truth. This conscience can be easily led to depression by reacting improperly to lifes issues.

Rom 1-3

3. Weak Conscience-

The weak conscience is activated by non biblical criteria. A weak conscience produces guilt feelings for the wrong reasons. These folks could have good standards they live by but have idols in their heart. They may do things for acceptance by God, to be accepted by the Church, to be loved by mom or dad, or in order to get something from God since that “bargained with Him. This conscience can and often is easily led to depression by reacting improperly to lifes issues.

Rom 14:1,2,23

4. Biblical Conscience-

These folks have a conscience activated by biblical truth. They have proper guilt feelings for the right reasons when they do wrong and sin. They are in the proper position to handle guilt and problems God’s way. These are the people inthe Church that have grown and are called "spiritual" by the Apostle Paul. (Gal 6:1)

2 Tim 3:16-17, 1 Tim. 1:5

May God grant us to have a biblically functional conscience by then grace, illumination and dynamic power of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, March 17, 2006

What To Do With Guilt

What To Do With Guilt

While I do not have any data, I believe that many people that are depressed live with sin and guilt that has not been dealt with. I plan on submitting a blog on depression in the next few days and before I do that I wanted to give people reading this blog, which I am aware of deal with depression, some instruction toward starting to handle sin and guilt God’s way. There is a lot I could discuss about guilt such as why some never feel it or how non Christians could be forgiven but I prefer to focus upon my Brethern that love the Lord but who have not been trained in how to deal with the guilt. I want them to know what guilt is and how to handle guilt so as to get rid of it once and for all. In doing this they will become more productive people in the kingdom of God.

So what is guilt? Well one thing it is not is a feeling. While it is true one may, and often does, sense a feeling of guilt over sin and wrong doing it is not guaranteed. If one does not feel guilty he or she has still done wrong, is guilty, and therefore liable and culpable for the sin committed. Therefore guilt is the state of having committed wrongdoing or sin. Guilt is a judicial standing. Simply put, a person is guilty no matter how one feels. For example someone that steals a fifty dollar bill and is enjoying an evening at the local pub in drink and dance may not be "feeling guilty" but he or she is guilty and culpable. They have sinned against and offended a holy God.

Guilt not gotten rid of causes people to do many strange things. For example, have you ever been driving down a major highway at 78 miles per hour and see a police officer going down a side street? What do you do? You get on the brake! Even though he or she is not coming for you you hit that brake. Know why? Your guilty! Guilty people distort reality. Reality = not being pursued therefore no real reason to hit the brake. Does this remind you of the passage found in Proverbs 28:1 The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion.

A person living with and in guilt will find many different problems in life. First as mentioned is distortion of reality. Guilty people, improperly dealing with guilt, do and tell all kinds of things in seeking to escape reality. We have heard this many times in the news from the lies of our countries President to "cover ups" and blame shifting by men and women in our local neighborhoods. Guilt, handled improperly, is one primary reason that social relationships become hindered. People who handle guilt improperly give Satan a "seat in their problematic life, "giving place to the devil" (Eph. 4:26-27).

Secondly, one that is that living with unrepentant sin and in guilt emotional and physical problems are experienced. While it is true that many illnesses are not traceable to sin in the sick person but are just a part of a cursed world because of Adam's sin. It is also true that the Bible is clear that in some instances, a sick person's illness is due to his own sin and guilt. Examples of this in the Bible include David’s experiences of pressure, restlessness, burdens, sadness, weakness, and worry. And also Paul’s instruction in the New Testament when he spoke of coming to the table of the Lord in an unworthy manner causing weakness, sickness and even in cases death. “For he that drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.” (Ps.32:1-5; 38: 1-8; I Cor. 11: 27­-32; Jas. 5:13-16 ). These things could send one to a medical doctor and potentially to a doctor of psychiatry for some wrongly dispensed medicine.

Now, perhaps you have sinned and though being guilty you are handling it wrongly. Guilt not handled properly escalates sin and puts a person in a downward spiral which causes all kinds of problems, of which some have been noted, even leading to serious depression. You may be reacting wrongly by setting up a “pity party” and getting others on your side to agree with you in what your did or are doing, Or perhaps you have running and hiding or staying busy in order to seek to hide your guilt. Perhaps you have gone so far to deny sin and even God in this area of your life. Each of these responses are wrong and will just cause further problems. For example, "getting people on your side" leads to gossip and deception; "pushing aside” or seeking to hide guilt feelings by staying busy affects the family and home life; and denying sin, God and his word is to live atheistically. Knowing this I ask if you find yourself doing sin and / or have sinned and have not handled your guilt properly: “Will you accept liability and culpability or will you distort reality by making excuses, blaming others, etc. and give Satan a beach head in your life and in the situation you find yourself in?”

In order to honor and glorify God we need to know how guilt is to be gotten rid of biblically. Our Lord wants us to live in peace and holiness and be protected from Satan in the kingdom of God. Therefore, to protect us from Satan and his devices, our gracious Lord Jesus has directed us that it is so important deal with guilt that one may even need to leave worship for awhile in order to get this taken care of - "leave your gift before the alter.... be reconciled.. come offer" (Matt. 5:23-26).

So then we how are we to specifically handle guilt and culpability from our sin and wrongdoing? One thing is for sure the Christian cannot go to the secular psychologists in order to understand how to properly handle guilt. Freud, Skinner, Mowrer, Rogers, etc. do not have the answers!. If one listens to these guys they just hear excuses which have an end result that guilt is not real but that it is a "feeling" that you have. Guilt comes from "a bad set of genes". You have "low self esteem" and need reconditioned with yourself. But God’s word tells us what we are to do in handling our sin and guilt:

First, God’s people need to acknowledge is that God is holy. God will not “hold him guiltless” who does wrong for the wrongdoer is without excuse. (Ex. 20:7; Rom 1:20; 2:1; 2:14; 3:9-12,19,23)

Second, God’s people are to see guilt that comes from breaking the law of God as a friend since as a schoolmaster, the law calls out to us to bring us to Christ and His forgiveness. (Gal 3:24; Rom. 5:8)

Third, assume the guilt. Do not run and hide, make excuses, lie, etc. Agree with God that what you have done is against Him and his word. To continue to seek to cover the sin and wrongdoing leads to further problems. It can lead to broken relationships, distorted living, Church discipline, depression, and all the problems which that causes. Those that assume the guilt and confess find peace, forgiveness and mercy. (Prov. 28:13; 51:4; 1 Jn 1:7-9).

Fourth, confess to the appropriate people. “Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” (James 5:16) Now this is so important notice what our Lord said about it in relation to worship: “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift. Agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison. Verily I say unto thee, Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” (Matt. 5:23-26)

Now if the sin was public your need to confess not only to any immediate people you wronged but also you must make public confession. Be careful to take note that confession needs only be made as far as the extent of the wrong doing and its known affects. As I have explained this to my children, think of an umbrella and if the people were not under the umbrella of wrongdoing then they don’t need to hear a confession. My wife and I drilled this principle into our kids as we taught them to deal with sin, guilt, confession and forgiveness in our family and in their lives.

Fifth, make any needed restitution. I remember one instance when a child twelve years old stole some Christmas gifts from a neighbor. Asked what to do the father correctly directed the child to confess and seek forgiveness. This was swiftly done. The child then made restitution by working for the family in order to work with theor hands to better the life of the family and to make restitution. Needless to say the child learned a valuable lesson about stealing, the blessings of forgiveness and the principle of making restitution in order to help their fellow man. We see Zaccheus as an example of a person following the law of God in making restitution. And Paul wrote to the Church of Ephesus acknowledging that believers are to practice restitution: “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” (Eph. 4:28)

Sixth, change your life in two areas: 1. your thinking and 2. your behavior.

Think differently. You do not have to “beat your breast” nor crawl across pointed sharp gravels on your knees nor walk on hot embers. Therefore you do not have to live with guilty feelings. You have repented and done the works of repentance therefore you are forgiven. Now think forgiven! Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Rom. 6:11) And then “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.” (1 Cor. 6: 9-11) You therefore can renew you mind living in the presence of the God of peace (Phil 4; Rom 12).

Change your behavior (put off / put on) in order that you do not perform the wrong doing. Now this takes practice but it can be done. Notice that the Answer to change is not to stop doing something but it is to replace it with good and godly living. This is the put off/ put on principle in Gods word that you need to grasp! Paul taught the Ephesians about this in the fourth chapter of his letter to them. Eph 4:22-24 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; (23) And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (24) And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. He gives a clear example of this in the same contextual passage in several areas:

Communication – vs. 24 – 25, 29, 31-32 : And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. Wherefore putting away (put off) lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another. … Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. …. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you.

Anger - vs 26 -27; 31: Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: (27) Neither give place to the devil. ……. Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice

Stealing – vs. 28 - Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labor, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

So whatever you did wrong the Bible has the sufficient answer to it so that you may put off the sin and put on God’s way of living in order to live holy and glorify God in your life.