Sunday, March 12, 2006

Confusion – Not God’s Way So It Can Be Cleared Up

Confusion – Not God’s Way So It Can Be Cleared Up
Baptismal Confusion

Once again it is clear that many Christians do not know what to do when it comes to baptism. This is not a Presbyterian vs. Baptist thing! IT is a matter of the people of God not being properly discipled within the body of Christ and how this creates confusion in the minds of God’s people.

Note what one pastor has stated concerning how some Baptist schools instruct their pastoral students to discuss baptism with new believers. Now before the quote let me say this is the first time I have ever heard this. And if this happens it is deceptive! Now let’s listen:

“As a preacher trained in an IFBx college ……….. Remember hearing this? - "Don't talk to your converts about Baptism before they come to church! That will scare them away! Wait until you get them down the aisle for a 'public profession', and then tell (don't ask) them to get baptized. They can figure the doctrine out later." …….. This practice is what I lovingly refer to as "the Baptist surprise".

Can you imagine the amount of confusion that this deception creates in the minds of many people. No wonder the people question of they “did it right”, “want to go to the holy land and be rebaptized”, or maybe did not have the heart right so they want to do it again since now they are “really filled with the Holy Spirit”.

This pastor later switched to a better more biblical methodology, “Years later, I decided to switch out my IFBx methodology for Bible truth. Now, converts are instructed as to the meaning and doctrine behind baptism. Two things happened: 1. My baptism numbers went down (gasp!) 2. Those baptized in the church actually came back the next Sunday, and started growing in the Lord. As a result, attendance has steadily gone up (including the midweek prayer meeting).”

I will tell you one thing point blank – Pastors, if you are doing this you are wrong. Get real and instruct your congregation (yourself, adults, children, elders and deacons) in baptism means and purposes. This is serous stuff!

Now from time to time Christians think about being rebaptized for a number of reasons, but in particular if they have not been properly instructed in this sacrament. Clearly this happened in the following situation.

“ I made a fire insurance profession as a teen and got baptized... When I came to the reality that that profession was not a genuine saving faith profession but merely a roller coaster ride of self-sustained religion profession, i did a major self-evaluation. I wanted to make sure this was the real thing... not another false profession, or was it merely illumination within a genuine profession???? So I waited and sought evidence and truth and cost... issues of heart motive.
When reality hit, evidence clearly evaluated, counselors of Biblical wisdom obtained, I then struggled with whether or not I had to get re-baptized. I didn't jump in head first because at this point I had been hit with the fear of God... something I never had before. And I was finally apart of a church that did not jump into baptizing just anyone. I did end up getting re-baptized after much discipleship. The first one was merely an outward washing. The second however was a genuine display of the inward reality of true regeneration.”

Discipleship in this area was non-existent! And then the person was finally instructed erroneously to be “rebaptized” after they had later had some type of “spiritual experience.” The person I believe is genuine in desiring to glorify the Lord. I am in no manner putting down this person. What I am doing is faulting the Christian leaders that seemingly led this person wrongly from the beginning failing in proper discipleship.

And again:

A Sunday School teacher asked that the subject of rebaptism be addressed on a particular blog site (why not go to your church) because they were approached by a SS student with the question of whether they should be “rebaptized” since “when he was 14 he walked the isle and was baptized. Now, he thinks he didn't have a proper understanding at that time of what salvation, regeneration, ect. meant. He does believe he has a proper understanding now. Should this man, now 46 (i'm guessing) now be re-baptized. I sent him to our pastor, but I would like to know your thoughts.”

What missing here? What are the errors here? Fill in the blanks”


Well I am just simply going to say that neither of these folks should be, nor have been, “rebaptized”. Also the pastors are not to instruct them to be “rebaptized” for they are instructing them against the teaching of the scriptures.

“Rebaptism” is a transgression of the law of God. For the commandments commands that God be worshipped only in the way authorized in the Bible. Baptism is one aspect of the act of worship and to have Christians to be “rebaptized” is unauthorized in the Bible and to do so is to lead the Church to worship a 'graven image' contrary to God’s revealed will.

Baptism is not something tht can be repeated. In Old Testament we know that bodily circumcision is unrepeatable since it is impossible. (Deut 10:16 & 30:6 and Jeremiah 4:4 & 9:25-26) Since circumcision has now been replaced by baptism, therefore baptism is not to be repeated. (Romans 4:11-25 & 6:1-5; Galatians 3:6-29; Colossians 2:11-13)Don’t fail to catch this – that only “unitarians and apostates” practiced 'rebaptism' in the apostolic age. Mark 7:3-8; Acts 19:1-3; First Corinthians 11:18f & 15:29.

Within Christianity the true visible Church of the triune God, there is only one baptism and that is trinitarian, for life and unrepeatable. Matthew 28:19f; Mark 16:15f; Romans 6:3-23; Ephesians 4:4-6; Colossians 2:6-16.
Therefore pastors and elders should never instruct a person in the Church that has been baptized to be “rebaptized”. To do so is to instruct and lead them recrucify Christ.

Now here you may want to say, “Whoa Steve you have gone to far on this one.! So I remind you that Hebrews 6:1-6 implies that those who get themselves rebaptized, recrucify Christ. For it commands: "Do not again lay down...the doctrine of baptisms. For they that do crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh!

In conclusion I strongly suggest that all of us ensure we know what baptism means in life and worship.

Elders and Pastors instruct you people in the sacrament of baptism. Pastors do not lead the Church in error at worship by performing “rebaptisms”. If you have not been properly taught concerning baptism and “rebaptism” then I suggest you “go back to school” to learn of baptism its means, mode and method and how it is a part of worship. If you have been using the deceptive “baptist surprise” then repent and see forgiveness and start now instructing God’s people properly.

Christians, “rebaptisms” are not to be preformed. If you do not understand baptism I ask that you get call your pastor and set up a number of discipleship meeting set up in order to ensure that you get instructed properly regarding baptisms. Also on this blog search baptism and read the information here, Do not do this and by pass your pastor!

Husbands learn of baptism and be ready to instruct you wife and children so that you lead them away from apostate worship errors. If you need to be discipled in the sacrament baptism then get with your pastor and set meetings to be discipled. There is no room for a pride ( “I know everything”) issue in this important Church doctrine.

Wives, Go to your husband for instruction. If there is need for discipleship then please go get it.

Children, your baptism is valid. Think on it often. Rest in that God has set his stamp upon you. Rejoice in the promise that in Christ God will be your God and you are one of His people! If you need to know more about this go to mom and dad and if needed. I am sure, they will let you visit with your pastor with them for further instruction.

God Bless You .....Steve