Monday, February 20, 2006

The Gospel According to Louis Ruggiero

The Gospel According to Louis Ruggiero

Point 1: How Are You Saved? By Fearing God

"On an individual basis, God also knows everything that will occur in the future…before it happens. Here are a few examples: How could Jesus possibly know ….. (everything as well) …. His Father told Him!"

"God decided to create mankind for both fellowship and a relationship. Even before He created Adam and Eve, He knew they would fall. Though He would give them the choice to eat or not to eat the fruit of the tree, He knew they would disobey Him. Why? It's simple: because God knows all things!"

"God also knew that because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, they would pass down their sin-nature to all future generations. As a result, this would prevent everyone from having a close relationship with Him. Though some would choose to have a relationship and some would opt against it, it really wouldn't matter. Because of sin, it would be impossible for anyone to have a relationship with God"

"He (God) decided to send them a Savior, His own Son. Those who would choose to fear Him, love Him, and covet a relationship with Him would have a way. The way would be the cross."

"Now God's plan for mankind’s salvation was in motion. Just like Jesus said in John 14:6, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

"Why does God call His people the “elect, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father...?” God knows beforehand, through His foreknowledge, everyone who will choose to fear Him. And His elect, individuals who choose to fear Him, would be shown the way. And it all begins with having the fear of the LORD."

"God has always been a God who provides choice. He gives everyone the ability to make decisions. He just happens to know what we'll choose before we make our choices. Why? It's simple! Because He's God, and God knows all things!"

Point 2: ”Let your Conscience be your guide”

"….. It becomes apparent that mankind has the ability to make the proper choice with respect to salvation. In summary, it all begins with God. He has instilled a conscience in every single one of us. Based on our consciences, we make the choice. Since God has foreknowledge, He just happens to know the decisions we will make before we make them. It's that simple!"

Point 3: Salvation Not Merely Of God But by “Mutual Consent”

"Back in the days of the Old Testament, God likened His relationship with the children of Israel as a marriage. Jesus' relationship with His church is no different Matthew 22:2. For final emphasis, Revelation 19:7-9 states that all the saints of God will take part in the marriage supper of the Lamb."

"So…….. let us think about a relationship within a marriage. Isn't it about two parties choosing to be together? For example, I'm married, and I have a wonderful wife. We both chose to be married. Before we took our vows, I didn't force my wife to be with me, and she didn't force me to be with her. Our marriage was by mutual consent. It was a free will decision for the both of us…….. But like any marriage, God wants a relationship with those who want a relationship with Him. For example, before I married my wife, I didn't force her to be with me. She is with me because she chose to be with me. And vice versa!"

"Though God loves everyone, He chooses to have a relationship only with those who choose to fear Him and covet a relationship with Him."

Point 4: Salvation Does Not Come By The Work Of God In Man But Only By Man’s Faith In Jesus If He Also Fears The Lord

"……. One's faith in Jesus as Savior is the catalyst or springboard to receiving the Holy Ghost, and it is He who does the regenerating. So, man's regeneration comes after confessing Christ, not before!"

"In summary, Proverbs 1:29 states that fearing God is a choice. And Psalm 25:12-14 reveals that, upon choosing to fear God, He will show us His covenant. Additionally, Acts 10:34-35 and Acts 13:26 confirm that the message of salvation is sent to all those who fear God. Upon one's acceptance of Jesus Christ as Savior, Titus 3:4-6 reveals that the born-again and regeneration process begins through the Holy Ghost."

Point 5: The Kind Of People God Is Looking For? Those that Fear and are Intelligent

"Both Moses and David were sinners. Yet, God knew their hearts. He knew that deep down in their hearts, they feared Him. If anyone feels unworthy and conviction in their sin, that's a good thing because they fear God. They are expressing both humility and hatred for their sins. They are just the kind of people that God is looking for."

"A lot of you might be thinking that this is too good to be true, how can this be? You may say, "Do you mean to tell me that all I have to do is choose to accept Jesus as my Savior and my sins are forgiven and I have everlasting life?" According to the Bible, the answer is 'absolutely yes.' So, it boils down to this: Eternal life, or eternal damnation? Eternal life, or eternal damnation? For the intelligent person, that really isn't much of a choice, is it?"

"He continually reaches out to every single man, woman and child in hope that they make the decision to fear Him and covet a relationship with Him."

"Always remember that the choice is up to you!"